The Registration Period for RhodesMRC 2011 has started on the 1st of May.
RhodesMRC 2011 is the second edition of the innovative conference organized by the House of Europe in Rhodes and will be held next October, 19-23, in Rhodes. Rhodes Model Regional Co-operation is a conference dedicated to the simulation of Organs of Regional International Organizations. As per last year, Union for the Mediterranean and the Black Sea Economic Co-operation Organization will be simulated. This year’s RhodesMRC will add to its simulated committees the Council of Europe, given that Rhodes celebrates its 60 years anniversary since being awarded the Europa Prize in 1961, the top award given to local authorities by the Council of Europe.
The Department of Mediterranean Studies of the University of the Aegean in Rhodes and the European Network for Education and Training e.V. (EUNET) already joined as organizing partners to the project, while the Organizing Committee is in contact with the local authorities and various other institutions for the re-confirmation of their support, as RhodesMRC is an annual event promoting Rhodes as an educational destination all over the world.
During RhodesMRC 2011, the Organizing Committee will honour Mrs Paroula Naskou-Perraki, Professor of International Law at the University of Macedonia in Thessaloniki for her long contribution to the advancement of the Model United Nations movement in Greece and abroad. Mrs Perraki largely contributed in creating RhodesMRC as it was immediately affiliated and supported by the Thessaloniki International Student Model United Nations, the first similar conference in Greece that she runs.
ThessISMUN took place for the 10th consecutive year in Thessaloniki, April 27-May 1, with more than 450 participants from all over the world. During RhodesMRC 2010, 80 students and young scientists from 12 universities from 6 countries assumed the role of diplomats and adopted high quality resolutions. All participants provided with their own expenses and participation costs. Along with the conference sessions, all participants had the opportunity to experience the rich history and beauties of Rhodes, get to know each other and stay in contact till today, meeting again this October.
RhodesMRC 2011 is estimated to have 100-150 participants.The simulation will be “run” be young scientists and students with significant experience. They come from 4 different countries and will serve as the Board of the three simulated committees,supervised by a Scientific Committee of esteemed professors of International Relations and International Law from Universities from all Greece and abroad.
The agenda of RhodesMRC 2011 includes hot topics, that effect the future of our region and Europe itself. They include Human Rights (Roma, Linguistic Minorities), Energy, Organized Crime, Interculturality, and the simulation of a “crisis” during a Summit that will be deployed in real time based on alternative reality.
For more information and registrations, please visit our website or contact the
Organizing Committee at