Spring Meeting 2017

EUNET spring meeting 2017

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome, the spring meeting in 2017 will focus on how do we tackle the challenges of Euroscepticism and Nationalism in our educational work and what role EUNET should play in these efforts for the next three years.


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What’s the aim ?
EUNET Hände_250pxWith our traditional spring meeting we will provide a space for exchange on tools, best practice and experiences our members use or made in their activities. It’s planned to further develop existing tools and to identify where new ones are needed.
At the end of the meeting we hope to have a kind of action plan for the upcoming years.

Draft programme: Programme Spring Meeting 2017

Who can participate ?
All persons from our members and befriended organisations who are involved in project work on a, more or less, day to day basis. Priority will be given to our members.

The participation is limited to a total of 23 persons on a first come, first served basis.

What’s the language regime ?
You will need average English language skills to be able to listen and talk to each other. There will be no interpretation provided. The entire meeting will be conducted in English.

Is there a participation fee ?
. We want your enthusiasm and working time.

How about accommodation ?
Accommodation will be in single rooms including breakfast. There will be no other meals provided during the meeting.

Conference venue is the Residenzia Madri Pie, close to the Saint Peter’s Square in the heart of the eternal city.

Flyer Hotel Madri Pie

Who will cover my travel cost ?
EUNET will cover your travel cost up to a maximum of 200€
. You could find the rules for reimbursement here: EN Rules for travel cost reimbursements Rome 2017

How do I register ?
Registration is closed.

Please use the online form available here