EUNET Integration Network is a network of education centres and organizations in Denmark, Germany, The Netherlands, Malta and Portugal complemented by national partner organizations in all five countries.
Preparatory actions promoting the integration in the EU member states of people who are not citizens of Europe, through specific projects (language courses, information on distinctive, cultural, political and social characteristics of the country in question, including citizenship and European fundamental issues), such as:
- Promote dialogue with civil Society
- Develop integration models
- Seek out and evaluate best practices in the integration field
- Set up networks at European level
EUNET Integration Network focuses on support of networks and exchange of information and best practices.
The main goals are:
- Promote actively and contribute together with partner organisations to the integration of third country nationals in the EUImportant parts of the programme are to exchange information, strategies, approaches and involved staff between the partner organisations
- To select and formulate best practices of integration
- Develop and implement pilot projects for better understanding about EU policies, regulations and practices
- Improve access and participation into existing and new networks
- Develop long term cooperation relations
What we want to achieve is a substantial contribution to the integration of Third-Country Nationals in the EU member states. Therefore we are convinced that at the end of the project the following point should be attained:
- The project must contribute to/strengthen – in a structural way- cooperation of networks in EU , like EUNET( and its international member institutes with local partner organizations), with networks of organizations of migrants and refugees on the issues of integration of third country nationals
- The project will contribute to the awareness raising and capacity building of the networks and will set up an international team of trainers,
- The networks will function as a vehicle for the distribution of successful, innovative approaches, methods and materials, in conferences, seminars, through websites and in a handbook about the integration of third country nationals
- The project will contribute to the development of midterm and long-term strategies of networks, like EUNET, trans-national and national networks
There is a great diversity of project partners and that will make the project and the cooperation interesting. It is always amazing to see how history shapes the future. The present situation of Portugal and The Netherlands is mirroring the colonial past; in Germany the “former emigrants” to Central and Eastern Europe play their active role in returning and migration, Malta saw many migrants coming, settling and going and is now very strongly experiencing its location near to Northern Africa. All countries – including Denmark – are however facing now the arrival of migrants and refugees from all over the world and looking for ways to develop strategies for integration and citizenship for their “rapidly changing diverse societies”.
For the presentation of the project results, an international conference took place from January 25-27, 2008 at Haus Sonnenberg, St. Andreasberg.
The EUNET Integration Network project is co-financed by the European Community under the INTI Programme – Preparatory Actions for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals.