General Assembly 2016

General Assembly 2016The Annual conference and General Assembly of EUNET 2016 will take place from
Thursday October 27th
to Sunday October 30th 2016  in St Julians (Malta).


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The overall topic of the conference is “Europe at the crossroads“. A focus will be set to the issue of migration and the current situation in Malta as well as Maltas preparation for the council presidency in the first half of 2017.

Plenty of time will be dedicated to our working groups and we want the participants to get active during the Mini-Live-Action-Role-Play “Suity Hero”, created by one of our working groups.

This year the board decided to go far into the southern part of Europe: Malta. Our conference venue is the Le Méridien St Julian’s Hotel in St. Julians., which will accommodate us in single rooms (land view), and most of the programme will take place there too.
A guided city tour of Valletta, in English, German and French, and a harbour cruise will be organised for you.

Rooftop Restaurant at Le Méridien St Julian’s Hotel

Rooftop Restaurant at Le Méridien St Julian’s Hotel

How to get there?
Your final destination will be Malta International Airport. From there public transportation will get you to the conference venue. Please see the document below for your options to get to the hotel.

How to get from the airport to the Hotel LeMeridien

There will be a shuttle bus form the hotel to the airport on Sunday, October 30th at 11:30h.

Programme / time framework?
A few lectures, some interactive parts and our working groups will be in the centre of the programme which will start on the 27th with a joined buffet dinner at 19h and will end on the 30th before lunch at 11:30h.

The detailed programme (updated 23.06.2016) is available in English and German for download:

EN programme annual conference 2016 in Malta
DE Programm Jahreskonferenz 2016 in Malta

Participation fee?
The participation fee is 100€ per person.
It includes accommodation in single rooms for three nights, meals, interpretation, a guided city tour and a harbour cruise.
Please note that the participation is limited to a maximum of three persons of one organisation.

Travel cost?
Travel costs will be reimbursed up to a maximum of 250€.
The rules for travel cost reimbursement are available in English, German and French:

EN rules for travel cost reimbursement AC Malta 2016
DE Richtlinien zur Reisekostenerstattung JK Malta 2016
FR Règlement frais de voyage CA Malta 2016

The travel cost form as well as a manual on “how to” could be downloaded here:

Travel cost form
How to use the travel cost form


Registration is closed !

With 70 participants the conference and General Assembly is fully booked. Please get in contact with our office to see if there are any cancellations.

There will be 65 places available for our annual gathering and places will be given on a first come first served basis. Nevertheless priority will be given to EUNET members, applying members and befriended organisations.

Please register by using this online form

You will receive an automated acknowledge receipt of your registration data by email.
A confirmation that you could participate will be send within three days of your registration.
(If you do not receive a confirmation email for your registration within three days, than please check your spam folder)