Downloads Search Downloads: Call for participants (57) Application form - Global Education and Youth Training of Trainers (897) Programme LARP Training Course Marienberg 2015 (910) Programme Training Course "Teaching Solidarity" 2016 (887) Programme Spring Meeting 2017 (882) Call for partners (14) ME Le Mans VET internship project (902) learn for life - course description Vital Villages (627) IH Call for partner World Class Stories (622) EA Berlin - Call for papers - Formen differenzierter Integration und ihre Konsequenzen (606) Conferences (74) DE Programm Europäische Herausforderungen 2014 - 2020 (1306) Rechtsruck in Europa (1267) Mehrwert Europa - Mehrwert Frieden (1255) EP elections 2014 project "voting card" (1253) EUNET cooperation projects (10) Application form cooperation projects (281) Projekthandbuch - Die Hölle von Jáchymov (278) DE Leitfaden für Kooperationsprojekte (182) FAQ on EUNET cooperation projects (176) Events (49) Programme LARP Training Course Marienberg 2015 (910) Programme Training Course "Teaching Solidarity" 2016 (887) EN programme General Assembly 2015 in Salzburg (886) Programme Spring Meeting 2016 (874) General downloads (78) ETM 2015 one-page summaries of the country reports (11097) Education and Training Monitor 2015 (10993) List of EUNET members (7075) Arbeitsblätter: Europäische Union – Chance oder Problem? (4800) May I enter (24) EN - The right of asylum 'Simulation May I Enter' presentation (1665) EN - Simulation May I Enter - Roleplay game card of refugees (1305) EN - Simulation May I Enter - Roleplay preparation (1276) EN - Simulation May I Enter - Roleplay game card of border officials (1087) Projects (18) EUNET Blog project: First Time Voters - European elections 2014 (1082) Medieninformation Mehrwert Europa - Mehrwert Frieden (830) EH Klagenfurt Einladung Mehrwert Europa - Mehrwert Frieden 28.03.2014 (752) ME Yvelines - Programme colloque Atout Europe Atout Paix 10.04.2014 (754) REPERES (17) EN Methodological notes 2 - pedagogy -didactics - learning REPERES (1879) FR Note de méthodologie 1 - conduire une formation REPERES (1660) FR Note de méthodologie 2 -pédagogie - didactique - apprentissage REPERES (1577) FR Toutes les fichiers REPERES (1547)